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8 Pros and Cons of Taking Minoxidil (Rogaine) for Alopecia

One of the most popular treatments for Alopecia, Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication to stop and/or reverse hair loss. As with all meds, there are...

3D Hairpieces: Game-changers of the Century

Chemotherapy and the resulting hair loss (alopecia) can be quite difficult to deal with. Many chemotherapy patients choose to cover their heads until their hair...

3 Ways To Treat Hair Loss

If you’re losing hair, the first thing you should do is figure out what’s behind it. Visit your doctor for a diagnosis and keep an...

4 Common Types of Hair Loss

Male (or Female) Pattern Baldness   Thanks to androgenic hormones, people can develop baldness on certain spots of their heads as they age. However, some...

7 Stages of Male Pattern Baldness

If you’re starting to lose patches of hair, or you know for a fact that your father did, it may be time to look into...

Are You At Risk For Hair Loss?

The answer is: probably. Hair loss is extremely common during aging, and statistically speaking you have a bigger chance than not of grappling with it...

5 Common Types of Hair Loss in Women

Everybody has heard of Male Pattern Baldness, but women lose hair too. The following article discusses some of the most common types of hair loss...

How To Restore Your Hair

In later life, many people suffer from hair loss, although it can occur at any age. It can drain peoples’ confidence and prevent them living...

Hair loss shampoo

Cleansing hair loss shampoo products are often used successfully to reduce the negative effects of male baldness and hair loss afflictions. Such products are usually...

Female hair loss – why does hair loss happen to women?

Updated 2/7/21: Although we mostly associate hair loss with men, women’s hair loss problems are also quite common. Many people believe hair loss only affects...